Showing 1 - 10 of 582
Mathematical molding disappeared in the changeover from methods to specify causal mechanisms of business cycles to methods to identify economic structures, that is, invariant relationships underlying the workings of an economy. Mathematical molding could fulfill its role in modeling business...
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This paper studies single equation models for binary outcomes incorporating instrumental variable restrictions. The models are incomplete in the sense that they place no restriction on the way in which values of endogenous variables are generated. The models are set, not point, identifying. The...
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Evolutionary algorithms have attracted more and more the attention of economists in recent years. Repeatedly it is claimed that they are an adequate tool to describe learning processes within a population of individuals. The present paper examines this claim. To this end, a learning model is set...
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This paper investigates the determinants of grades achieved in mathematics by first year students Economics. We use individual administrative data from 1991 to 2005 to fit an educational production function. Our main findings suggest that good secondary school achievements and good maths skills...
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Our research focused on testing various characteristics of pairwise comparison (PC) matrices in controlled experiments. About 270 students have been involved in the test exercises and the final pool contained 450 matrices. Our team conducted experiments with matrices of different size obtained...
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A model of multiple criteria decision making is presented for selecting the “best” of a finite number of alternatives. Techniques of scoring the alternatives and weighting the criteria are combined with different evaluating procedures and amalgamated in an interactive algorithm. Application...
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Measuring and allocating risk properly are crucial for performance evaluation and internal capital allocation of portfolios held by banks, insurance companies, investment funds and other entities subject to financial risk. We show that by using a coherent measure of risk it is impossible to...
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The paper studies a generalisation of the dynamic Leontief input-output model. The standard dynamic Leontief model will be extended with the balance equation of renewable resources. The renewable stocks will increase regenerating and decrease exploiting primary natural resources. In this study...
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A szerzők tanulmányának középpontjában a közvetlen külföldi befektetések és a korrupció kapcsolata áll. Feltételezésük az, hogy a közvetlen külföldi befektetők a kevésbé korrupt országokat kedvelik, mivel a korrupció egy további kockázati tényezőt jelent a befektetők...
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