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Maximizing the expected logarithmic utility, or equivalently the geometric mean, of a portfolio is a well-known yet controversially discussed objective. Nonetheless, it is an often used objective function for computing real-world portfolios and in particular it met a great amount of sympathy in...
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This paper develops an approximate closed-form optimal portfolio allocation formula for a spot asset whose variance follows a GARCH(1,1) process. We consider an investor with constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility who wants to maximize the expected utility from terminal wealth under a...
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The purpose of this article is to evaluate optimal expected utility risk measures (OEU) in a risk- constrained portfolio optimization context where the expected portfolio return is maximized. We compare the portfolio optimization with OEU constraint to a portfolio selection model using value at...
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We consider a stochastic optimization problem of maximizing the expected utility from terminal wealth in an illiquid market. A discrete time model is constructed with few additional state variables. The dynamic programming approach is then developed and used for numerical studies. No-arbitrage...
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theory. Research implications/limitations - The research emphasized that in order to get a more diversified investment …
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This article presents a new approach for building robust portfolios based on stochastic efficiency analysis and periods of market downturn. The empirical analysis is done on assets traded on the Brazil Stock Exchange, B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão). We start with information on the assets from...
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A stochastic bound is a portfolio which stochastically dominates all alternatives in a reference portfolio set instead of a single alternative portfolio. An approximate bound is a portfolio which comes as close as possible to this ideal. To identify and analyze exact or approximate bounds,...
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utilize conic duality theory to reformulate the distributionally robust worst-case expectation constraint. Second, we devise a …
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This supplementary Technical Appendix contains formal proofs of the propositions which are stated in Anyfantaki, S., S. Arvanitis, S., Th. Post, Th. and N. Topaloglou, 2019, 'Stochastic Bounds for Portfolio Analysis', available at SSRN:" "...
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