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What matters to economic decision-making is whether the economy has become more or less predictable. People and businesses use information around them to form judgements about what might happen in the future. The rise in uncertainty might be associated with increased concern about extreme...
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measure based on decreasing absolute risk aversion utility function. I derive necessary and suffi cient conditions for …
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The concept of “overconfidence” is one of the great success stories of psychological research, influencing discourse in the popular press, business, and public policy. Relative to underconfidence, overconfidence at various tasks is purportedly associated with greater narcissism, lower...
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We measure risk preferences for decisions that involve more than a single monetary attribute. According to theory, the … multivariate risk preferences correlation aversion, cross-prudence (coskewness preference) and cross-temperance (cokurtosis … aversion) determine how univariate risk preferences over attributes co-vary and interact. We obtain model-free measurements of …
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the same for risk and ambiguity, as assumed by prospect theory, and sign‐comonotonic trade‐off consistency, the central …
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We introduce and study the main properties of a class of convex risk measures that refine Expected Shortfall by … adjusted Expected Shortfalls quantify risk as the minimum amount of capital that has to be raised and injected into a financial … probability level p\in[0,1]. Through the choice of the benchmark risk profile g one can tailor the risk assessment to the specific …
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We empirically compare the consistency among several measures of risk-taking and patience by evaluating how these …
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Recently, new coherent, law-invariant and comonotonic additive risk measures known as spectral risk measures (SRM) have … been proposed as interesting complements to the regulatory-standard VaR. While such risk measures allow various attitudes … towards risk to be specified by the risk manager through a risk spectrum, there has not been proposed to date any practical …
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We characterize and empirically measure the interaction between risk and time preferences in an experiment. Our results … indicate that risk and time preferences are intertwined. We find that decision makers are insensitive to time delay for small … fit of existing decision models that capture risk and time preferences. Our results indicate that the models which allow …
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The aim of this paper is to present model risk situations and a methodology to measure and quantify the associated risk … at model level, with different types of assumptions. Then, considering that in practice, a model risk management at model … level is hardly feasible, this paper also outlines a method to measure and quantify model risk at risk category level (ex …
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