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We develop a poverty decomposition method that is based on a consumption regression model. Because this method uses an … integral of the partial derivatives of a poverty measure with respect to time, the resulting poverty decomposition satisfies … time-reversion consistency and sub-period additivity. Unlike the existing poverty decomposition methods, it allows us to …
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I discuss the applicability of the recentered influence function (RIF) to the analysis of poverty differentials between … in the empirical literature estimates the relationship between individual poverty functions of additive measures … their poverty function, this approach is simply a specific case of the onestage recentered influence function decomposition …
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This paper proposes a class of decomposable poverty measures. It incorporates ideas of flexible minimum basic … poverty measure can be used in a straightforward manner to derive a metric to evaluate the efficiency of the public transfer …
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Understanding chronic poverty and its evolution is complex given the amount of information involved. This paper … proposes a new approach to analysing the evolution of chronic poverty in a multivariate setting using a Shapley decomposition … of a multidimensional chronic poverty measure proposed by Alkire and colleagues. This makes it possible to assess a vast …
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In this paper an alternative approach with regard to poverty measurement is discussed: the so-called decomposition … approach. This method differentiates between various social groups in the sense that for each group a separate poverty line is … traditional poverty measurement to refer to income-independent equivalence scales is principally avoided. Moreover, the further …
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In this paper an alternative approach with regard to poverty measurement is discussed: the so-called decomposition … approach. This method differentiates between various social groups in the sense that for each group a separate poverty line is … traditional poverty measurement to refer to income-independent equivalence scales is principally avoided. Moreover, the further …
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and the Philippines, irrespective of the poverty measures used. At the national level, all countries reduced their … poverty measures based on counting approaches using ordinal variables to the understanding of the evolution of poverty in … Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Using the general framework proposed by Silber and Yalonetzky (2013), this paper …
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of poverty episodes experienced by a household. Using panel data from the Philippines, we examine the differences between …This study reviews two methods of measuring poverty dynamics. The components approach uses the longitudinally averaged … these analytical methods of measuring chronic and transient poverty. Furthermore, the study also examines the sensitivity of …
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and the Philippines, irrespective of the poverty measures used. At the national level, all countries reduced their … poverty measures based on counting approaches using ordinal variables to the understanding of the evolution of poverty in … Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Using the general framework proposed by Silber and Yalonetzky (2013), this paper …
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Income-based as well as most existing multidimensional poverty indices (MPI) assume equal distribution within the … household and thus are likely to lead to yield a biased assessment of individual poverty, and poverty by age or gender. In this … poverty status of households, while the impact of these assumptions on inequality between individual cannot be determined a …
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