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An autoregressive fixed effects panel data equation in error-ridden endogenous and exogenous variables, with finite … signal and noise memory, the strength of autocorrelation, the size of the IV set, and the panel length. Finally, some … practical guidelines are provided. -- Panel data ; Measurement error ; ARMA model ; GMM ; Signal-noise ratio ; Error memory ; IV …
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We consider within-group estimation of higher-order autoregressive panel models with exogenous regressors and fixed …
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panel data with fixed effects. The estimation procedure is based on the observational equivalence between distribution free …
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This paper develops an innovative way of estimating a functional-coefficient spatial autoregressive panel data model …
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This paper studies panel data models with interactive fixed effects where the regressors are allowed to be correlated …
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This paper considers estimation of panel data models with fixed effects. First, we will show that a consistent … "unrestricted fixed effects" estimator does not exist for autoregressive panel data models with initial conditions. We will derive … widely used GMM estimators for the conditional AR(1) panel model are inconsistent under trending fixed effects sequences …
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This paper considers inference procedures for two types of dynamic linear panel data models with fixed effects (FE … presents likelihood based unit root tests. Finally, the properties of CML, GMM, and Modified ML estimators for dynamic panel …
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This paper develops estimators for simultaneous equations with spatial auto-regressive or spatial moving average error components. We derive a limited information estimator and a full information estimator. We give the simultaneous generalized method of moments to get each component of the...
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, ISO 16949), food safety (ISO 22000), environment (ISO 14001), and information security (ISO 27001). Panel data fixed … industry, as well as information security management systems, on the ESI. Further, dynamic panel data approach by way of two …
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We propose a Bayesian approach to dynamic panel estimation in the presence of cross-sectional dependence and dynamic … by estimating a panel VAR on sector level data for labour productivity and hours worked growth for Canada, Germany …
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