Showing 1 - 10 of 39
Zum Vergleich ausgewählter Missing Data Techniken nutzt dieses Papier eine Befragung, in der u. a. die Zustimmung zum Record Linkage der Befragungs- mit administrativen Prozessdaten abgefragt wurde. Bei nicht zustimmenden Befragten, werden ihre gegebenen Antworten auf 'fehlend' gesetzt, um so...
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Positive and negative predictive values are important measures of accuracy whenone compares the accuracy of diagnostic tests. When more than one diagnostic tests areavailable, one may has to choose one of the possible diagnostic tests due to cost, time, orethical reason. We consider a pair study...
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Income is an important economic indicator to measure living standards and individual well-being. In Germany, there exist different data sources that yield ambiguous evidence when analysing the income distribution. The Tax Statistics (TS) - an income register recording the total population of...
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An important challenge in statistical modeling involves determining an appropriate structural form for a model to be used in making inferences and predictions. Missing data is a very common occurrence in most research settings and can easily complicate the model selection problem. Many useful...
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This dissertation is a collection of three stand-alone research papers. Thereby, the class of local polynomial matching estimators is the central object of investigation. The first essay concentrates on applying local polynomial matching methods in order to account for missing data when...
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Motivated by an example in nutritional epidemiology, we investigate some design and analysis aspects of linear measurement error models with missing surrogate data. The specific problem investigated consists of an initial large sample in which the response (a food frequency questionnaire, FFQ)...
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In parametric regression problems, estimation of the parameter of interest is typically achieved via the solution of a set of unbiased estimating equations. We are interested in problems where in addition to this parameter, the estimating equations consist of an unknown nuisance function which...
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Estimating equations have found wide popularity recently in parametric problems, yielding consistent estimators with asymptotically valid inferences obtained via the sandwich formula. Motivated by a problem in nutritional epidemiology, we use estimating equations to derive nonparametric...
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