Showing 1 - 10 of 115
Can investors with irrational beliefs be neglected as long as they are rational on average ? Does unbiased disagreement lead to trades that cancel out with no consequences on prices, as implicitly assumed by the traditional models ? We show in this paper that there is an important impact of...
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Can investors with irrational beliefs be neglected as long as they are rational on average ? Does unbiased disagreement lead to trades that cancel out with no consequences on prices, as implicitly assumed by the traditional models ? We show in this paper that there is an important impact of...
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The paper investigates the effects of firm-specific and country-specific characteristics, and the 1997 Asian financial crisis on the debt maturity structure of firms in the Asia Pacific region. Given that the economies of the sample countries were at different stages of development and were...
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We study the properties of rational expectation equilibria (REE) in dynamic asset pricing models with heterogeneously informed agents. We show that under mild conditions the state space of such models in REE can be infinite dimensional. This result indicates that the domain of analytically...
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Evolutionary metaphors have been prominent in both economics and finance. They are often used as basic foundations for rational behavior and efficient markets. Theoretically, a mechanism which selects for rational investors requires many caveats, and is far from generic. This paper tests wealth...
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We introduce a new data set that comprises factor returns and returns of portfolios that are single- and double-sorted. We use this data set to perform asset-pricing tests for the german equity market. We test the standard cAPM, the Fama-French (1993) three-factor model, and the carhart (1997)...
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This paper serves two purposes. First, we introduce a new data set on the German stock market which is publicly available to all researchers. It comprises factor returns (a market factor, a size factor, a book-to-market factor, and a momentum factor) as well as returns of portfolios which are...
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This paper analyzes the relation between momentum strategies (strategies that buy stocks with high returns over the previous three to twelve months and sell stocks with low returns over the same period) and turnover (number of shares traded divided by the number of shares outstanding) for the...
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Our paper makes two empirical contributions on REITs’ asset pricing over three sequential and mutually exclusive time periods. The first yields the beta estimates of (i) assets, (ii) growth options and (iii) assets-in-place, embedded in the valuations of REITs. We develop a new approach to...
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A new model misspecification measure for linear asset pricing models is proposed for the case where misspecification maps to latency of one of the pricing factors; in this case, the market return. This measure is suited both for testing models that include the market return as a pricing factor...
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