Showing 1 - 10 of 604
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) in südlichen Euro-Volkswirtschaften wie Italien und Spanien zahlen seit längerem … immer größer. Es wird häufig argumentiert, dass ein gravierendes Marktversagen den Zugang der KMU in südlichen Ländern zu … Verbesserung des Finanzmarktzugangs für KMU, die sowohl den EU-Institutionen als auch der EZB im Rahmen ihres Mandats zur Sicherung …
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SME lending. The degree of banks' centralization is also approximated by the spatial concentration of bank employees and …
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Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) of southern euro-area economies (e.g. Italy, Spain) pay significantly higher borrowing rates than their peers of the core (e.g. Germany, France) and this divergence is widening. It is argued that severe market failures prevent SMEs in southern euro area...
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Nature conservation scientists and practitioners have voiced the concern that a conservation discourse based on economic arguments and monetary valuation may undermine conservation efforts by eroding ("crowding out") the influence of other arguments for nature conservation. This paper presents...
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We show that a policy rate cut lengthens corporate debt maturity. A 1 standard deviation (10 basis points, b.p.) expansionary interest rate shock raises the share of long-term debt by 87 b.p., explaining about 20% of its variation. Moreover, we show that only large, bond-issuing firms adjust. A...
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We study the impact of a liquidity shock affecting investment funds on the financing conditions of firms. The abrupt liquidity needs of investment funds, triggered by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, prompted a retrenchment from bond purchases of firms and a withdrawal of short term funds...
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Following the sovereign debt crisis, bank interest rates charged to non-financial firms declined sharply in the euro area. This work explores the firms' balance-sheet channel hypothesis on the role played by firms' characteristics and risk profile in the transmission of monetary policy. Using a...
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Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) of southern euro-area economies (e.g. Italy, Spain) pay significantly higher borrowing rates than their peers of the core (e.g. Germany, France) and this divergence is widening. It is argued that severe market failures prevent SMEs in southern euro area...
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