Showing 1 - 10 of 2,426
, teachers, and peers. We find no evidence of differential responses by gender. …
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organizations, addressing a gap in the literature on gender and leadership. While existing studies often focus on differences … can inform policies aimed at reducing gender-based discrimination and improving organizational diversity and leadership …
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More wage equality for women reduces violence against women in urban Brazil. Evidence shows that violence has declined at various levels of severity. Wage equality may be improved through family-friendly policies such as preschool provision and maternity leave. Public safety and legal...
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This study uses the KLIPS data between 1998 to 2017 to examine whether wage discrimination between mothers and non-mothers exists in the South Korea labor market. We compare the amount of wage gap from OLS model to a variety of Fixed effect models which have different types of productivity...
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I examine how one central aspect of the family environment - sibling sex composition - affects women's gender … for first-born women. I show that women with a brother acquire more traditional gender roles, as measured through their … mechanism, I provide evidence of increased gender-specialized parenting in families with mixed-sex children. Finally, I find …
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