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Sergey Aivazian was the head of my department at the Moscow School of Economics, but he was much more than that. He played an important role in my life, and he contributed to my studies devoted to copula modelling. This small memoir reports how this amazingly polite and smart scientist helped me...
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During the last decades a wide literature has focused on the relationship volume-volatility on financial markets. This paper investigates the temporal dynamics of volatility and volumes, supposing, as in Bollerslev and Jubinsky (1999), that the link has to be found in their long-run...
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Copula-GARCH models have been recently proposed in the financial literature as a statistical tool to build flexible multivariate distributions. Our extensive simulation studies investigate the small sample properties of these models and examine how misspecification in the marginals may affect...
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World economies, and especially European ones, have become strongly interconnected in the last decades and a joint modelling is required. We propose here the use of Copulas to build flexible multivariate distributions, since they allow for a rich dependence structure and more flexible marginal...
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Заключительная часть консультации посвящена описанию подходов к эмпирическому подбору подходящей копула-функции и методов статистической проверки гипотез,...
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Статья содержит вторую часть консультации, посвященной копула-функциям и их использованию в моделировании многомерных распределений вероятностей. В ней...
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Проблематика копула-функций, их свойств, способов подбора под конкретные исходные данные, оценивания, прикладных возможностей крайне скупо представлена в...
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