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We study dominant strategy implementation especially in economic environments. We first showthat in general environments, strategy-proofness and quasi-strong-non-bossiness together are necessary and sufficient for dominant strategy implementation via the associated direct revelationmechanism. We...
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We study dominant strategy implementation especially in economic environments. We first show that in general environments, strategy-proofness and quasi-strong-non-bossiness together are necessary and sufficient for dominant strategy implementation via the associated direct revelation mechanism....
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definitions of ambiguity in the literature. Location invariance is applied to normal form games where players perceive strategic …
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games. First, for any bargaining game there is defined a non-cooperative game in strategic form, whose unique Nash …
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We study the design of mechanisms that implement Lindahl or Walrasian allocations and whose Nash equilibria are dynamically stable for a wide class of adaptive dynamics. We argue that supermodularity is not a desirable stability criterion in this mechanism design context, focusing instead on...
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Suppose that the goals of a society can be summarized in a social choice rule, i.e., a mapping from relevant underlying parameters to final outcomes. Typically, the underlying parameters (e.g., individual preferences) are private information to the agents in society. The implementation problem...
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We consider the implementation problem under incomplete information and private values. We investigate double implementability of social choice functions in dominant strategy equilibria and ex post equilibria. We show that the notion of an ex post equilibrium is weaker than the notion of a...
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This article investigates rationalizable implementation in social environments where agents can provide hard evidence on the private information they possess. Specifically, we study necessary and sufficient conditions for virtual implementation using a notion of Rationalizability that captures...
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, Thomson (Games and Economic Behavior, 52: 186-200, 2005) and Dogan (Games and Economic Behavior, 98: 165-171, 2016) propose …
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Diermeier and Fong (2008a) recently proposed a legislative bargaining model with reconsideration in the context of a distributive policy environment. In this paper we prove general existence and necessary conditions for pure-strategy stationary equilibria for any finite policy space and...
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