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Using command-and-control regulation of land use to produce a public good (as opposed to preventing physical off-property harms) without compensating the landowner can be expected to produce two unintended consequences: (i) management actions by landowners to reduce the land's attractiveness for...
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In this paper we assess the recreation demand for the Bois de Finges, one of the largest pine forest in Switzerland and of European importance. In order to quantify the recreational benefits, we have applied the travel cost method. The data were collected through an on-site survey during 2004....
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Non-target marine fish species and ocean ecosystems are increasingly valuable. Ongoing efforts to preserve them emphasize spatial controls on human entry and use via Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). They cover 7.6% of world oceans and aim for 30% by 2030 under the Convention for Biological...
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Growing vehicle use and congestion externalities have led many to consider alternative congestion pricing mechanisms, as road pricing often has high infrastructural costs and faces public opposition. This paper explores the role of parking taxation in reducing congestion by considering a natural...
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The Commission wishes to provide further advice and support to Member States on how best to access and use EU funding mechanism for financing the management of the Natura 2000 network. The next phase in our awareness raising strategy is to link the use of the Guidance Handbook on financing...
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parking. This can be referred to as Subsidy to the owners of private vehicles. For this, we have used data collected by survey …. This subsidy benefits only the owners of private vehicles, not the society as a whole or poor. Therefore, there is a need … to reduce this subsidy. In the end, some of the possible solutions have been discussed …
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