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equilibrium concept--the reciprocity set--that satisfies all of the aforementioned properties under mild conditions, and it is … easily implementable. In addition, it encourages positive reciprocity and generally protects minorities without having to …
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We consider collective decisions made by agents whose preferences and power depend on past events and decisions. Faced with an ineffcient equilibrium and an opportunity to commit to a policy, can the agents reach an agreement on such a policy? Under an intuitive condition linking power...
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procedure. We also discuss the perceptions of fairness and merit as potential drivers of the observed behavioral phenomenon. …
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Forty-two percent of Americans give different answers when asked, respectively, about the reasons for being rich and the reasons for being poor. We develop and test a theo-ry about support for redistribution in the presence of target-specific beliefs about the causes of low and high incomes. Our...
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If a welfare transfers policy is programmatic (it is non-partisan, transparent and persisting), is it irrelevant for politicians' electoral fortunes? I show that the answer is no with a political agency model where politicians' competence is uncertain to all. In my set-up, an incumbent...
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Ever since Sen crystallized the logical conflict between the welfaristic value of the Pareto principle and the nonwelfaristic value of individual libertarian rights into what he christened the impossibility of a Paretian liberal , there have been many attempts in social choice theory to...
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In this paper, we study intertemporal social welfare evaluations when agents may have heterogeneous time preferences. We first show that, even if all agents share the time preference, there exists a conflict between efficiency in the sense of Pareto principle, time consistency, and equity...
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It has long been known that when agents have von Neumann-Morgenstern preferences over lotteries, there is an incompatibility between strategy-proofness and efficiency (Gibbard, [9]; Hylland, [12]) - a solution satisfying those properties must be dictatorial. We strengthen this result by showing...
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In this survey we review the most important aspects of Implementation theory. We present the notions of a mechanism, a social choice correspondence and that of implementation. We first review the main contributions to implementation under dominant strategies namely the impossibility theorems...
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