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This paper proposes two new panel cointegrating rank tests which are robust to cross-sectional dependency. The … combined to develop the panel statistics. A simulation study shows that the tests have reasonable size and power properties in …
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We develop a finite-sample procedure to test for mean-variance efficiency and spanning without imposing any parametric assumptions on the distribution of model disturbances. In so doing, we provide an exact distribution-free method to test uniform linear restrictions in multivariate linear...
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We develop tests for structural breaks of factor loadings in dynamic factor models. We focus on the joint null hypothesis that all factor loadings are constant over time. Because the number of factor loading parameters goes to infinity as the sample size grows, conventional tests cannot be used....
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standard factor decomposition of a panel of forecasts, we show that the uncertainty of a typical forecaster can be expressed as …
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This paper proposes a new likelihood-based panel cointegration rank test which extends the test of Örsal & Droge (2012 …) (henceforth Panel SL test) to allow for cross-sectional dependence. The dependence is modelled by unobserved common factors which … panel analysis of nonstationarity in idiosyncratic and common components (PANIC) approach of Bai & Ng (2004) and the …
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This paper considers the problem of hypotheses testing in a simple panel data regression model with random individual … distributions of the standard panel data estimators, this paper focuses on test of hypotheses in this setting. One important finding … Perron and Yabu (2009) to make inference in panel data. In fact, we show that the simple t-ratio always converges to the …
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In this paper the class of admissable tests for unit roots in panel data sets of autoregressive, Gaussian time series …
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risks. With a slight reformulation of the loss function and a standard factor decomposition of a panel of forecasts, we show …
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This paper develops a consistent series-based specification test for semiparametric panel data models with fixed …
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Most panel unit root tests are designed to test the joint null hypothesis of a unit root for each individual series in … a panel. After a rejection, it will often be of interest to identify which series can be deemed to be stationary and …
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