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This paper develops an endogenous growth model with a production externality and nonlinear income taxation, and uses it to examine how the fiscal authority devises its nonlinear tax structure from the viewpoint of welfare maximization. It is found that, in the Barro (1990) model, Pareto...
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This paper highlights the possibility that negative marginal tax rates arise in an intensive-margin optimal income tax model where wages are exogenous and preferences are homogeneous, but where agents differ both in skills (labor market productivity) and their needs for a work-related...
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A standard result in the optimal taxation literature is that, when agents differ in market ability and the government aims at redistributing from high- to low-skilled agents by means of an optimal nonlinear labor income tax and a set of commodity taxes, an optimally designed commodity tax...
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This article explores the use of workfare as part of an optimal tax mix when labor supply responses are along the … extensive margin. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between workfare and an earned income tax credit, two policies … ; workfare …
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This article explores the use of workfare as part of an optimal tax mix when labor supply responses are along the … extensive margin. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between workfare and an earned income tax credit, two policies …
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This article explores the use of workfare as part of an optimal tax mix when labor supply responses are along the … extensive margin. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between workfare and an earned income tax credit, two policies …
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This article explores whether altruistic preferences toward households in poor high-temperature countries stimulate global warming policies within rich low-temperature countries that avoids damage from global warming. The article analyzes optimal carbon taxes on commodities within such rich...
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Relative consumption effects or status concerns that feature jealousy (in the sense of Dupor and Liu, AER 2003) boost consumption expenditure. If consumption is financed by labour income, such status considerations increase labour supply and, hence, the tax base. A higher taxable income, in...
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The focus of the present paper is on the intragenerational effects of nonlinear income taxation in a multiperiod framework. We investigate whether it is possible to achieve redistribution at smaller efficiency costs by enlarging the message space adopted in standard tax system (which only...
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We characterize the solution to the optimal nonlinear income taxation problem if individuals face a minimum hours constraint that gives rise to labor supply responses along the extensive margin. We provide conditions for optimal marginal tax rates to be positive everywhere and derive a formula...
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