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We study the optimal taxation of risk-free and excess capital income with heterogeneous rates of return, alongside an … optimal nonlinear earnings tax. Households can hold three assets: one risk-free, one risky but diversifiable, and one a … private investment with idiosyncratic risk whose expected return differs among households. Contrary to expectations, the …
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Justification for policies to encourage investments in education, particularly for individuals at the lower end of the … potentially loss averse around their expected outcome make risky investments in education and we draw on optimal tax theory to … explore the design of policy. The model highlights the critical roles played by (i) the relationship between behavioural risk …
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demonstrated that a key feature of human capital investments is whether they increase or decrease wage risk. In a benchmark model …This paper considers how optimal education and tax policy depends on the risk properties of human capital. It is …
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more attractive for social insurance if a larger part of risk is realized in the first period of the life-cycle. Our …
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The paper derives the global welfare-optimizing time path for a tax on fossil fuels causing a negative stock externality (climate change), under increasing marginal extraction cost, and in the presence of an unlimited backstop resource causing no externality. In a basic competitive case, the...
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Most contributions to optimal tax theory have assumed that all prices, including that of leisure, are known with certainty. The purpose of this paper is to analyze optimal taxation when workers have imperfect information about their wages at the time they choose their labor supplies. Both...
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-household income insurance mechanism strongly biases upward the welfare losses from idiosyncratic wage risk as well as the desired …
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facing uninsurable idiosyncratic labor income risk. The Ramsey government internalizes the general equilibrium feedback of … optimal aggregate saving rate is independent of income risk. The optimal time-invariant tax on capital is increasing in income … risk. Its sign depends on the extent of risk and on the Pareto weight of future generations. If the Ramsey tax rate that …
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in either uncertainty about the model or risk about abatement cost increases expected steady state pollution taxes; (2) a … uncertainty or higher multiplicative risk and (3) the effect on expected steady state pollution taxes and stock of introducing …
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