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An in depth study of the pricing of Game contingent claims under a general diffusion market model, in which interest rate is non constant, is presented. With the idea of providing a few numerical examples of the valuation of such claims, we present a detailed description of a Bootstrapping...
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This paper provides an introduction to Monte Carlo algorithms for pricing American options written on multiple assets, with special emphasis on methods that can be applied in a multi-dimensional setting. Simulated paths can be used to estimate by nonparametric regression the continuation value...
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A useful feature of European and American options in the standard financial market model with constant coefficients is the property of put-call symmetry. This property states that the value of a put option with strike price K and maturity date T is the same as the value of a call option with...
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We derive the Green's function for the Black-Scholes partial differential equation with time-varying coefficients and time-dependent boundary conditions. We provide a thorough discussion of its implementation within a pricing algorithm that also accommodates American style options. Greeks can be...
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A fast and accurate method for pricing early exercise and certain exotic options in computational finance is presented. The method is based on a quadrature technique and relies heavily on Fourier transformations. The main idea is to reformulate the well-known risk-neutral valuation formula by...
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<Para ID="Par1">We consider the valuation of options with stressed-beta in a reduced form model. Under this two-state beta model, we provide the analytic pricing formulae for the European options and American options as the integral forms. Specifically, we provide the integral representation of the early...</para>
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We develop a novel pricing strategy that approximates the value of an American option with exotic features through a portfolio of European options with different maturities. Among our findings, we show that: (i) our model is numerically robust in pricing plain vanilla American options; (ii) the...
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