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We study whether prices of traded options contain information about future extreme market events. Our option-implied conditional expectation of market loss due to tail events, or tail loss measure, predicts future market returns, magnitude, and probability of the market crashes, beyond and above...
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, credit risk and implied volatility, have high explanatory power in regard to stock returns. Especially the returns of …
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exposure to changes in the underlying stock price (delta), and exposure to changes in implied volatility (vega) are removed …-to-market, momentum, short-term reversal, volatility, or option market factors …
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exposure to changes in the price of the underlying stock (delta), and exposure to changes in implied volatility (vega) are …-known market, size, book-to-market, momentum, and short-term reversal factors. Additional volatility, stock, and option market …
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In this paper we introduce a calibration procedure for validating of agent based models. Starting from the well-known financial model of Brock and Hommes 1998, we show how an appropriate calibration enables the model to describe price time series. We formulate the calibration problem as a...
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contrast, the implied volatility is shown to Granger-cause the returns less strongly than the returns do. In addition, this …
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. We find that our implied volatility (IV) sentiment measure, jointly derived from index and single stock options, explains …
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-neutral density. An implied volatility (IV) sentiment measure that is jointly derived from index and single stock options explains …
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We present a method for extracting the market risk premium from stock and option data and examine its validity. We extend Duan and Zhang's (2014) model to estimate the projected risk aversion coefficient using more information for the discrepancy of the physical from the risk-neutral...
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I investigate the relation between option prices and daily stock return serial correlation. I demonstrate that the variance ratio, calculated as the ratio of realized to implied stock return variance, has both a contemporaneous and predictive relation with stock return serial correlation. The...
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