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This article develops a model of food demand in which the quality and quantity of food purchased and the inter-purchase time are determined simultaneously. We use this model to explore the relationship between a household's cereal purchases and its demographic variables. Households eligible to...
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Empirical research based on panel data has to pay special attention to measurement errors. Utility maximization often yields nonlinear decision rules in which measurement errors enter in a multiplicative way. The usual strategy to deal with them consists of taking log-linear approximations of...
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Many validation studies deal with item-nonresponse and measurement error in earnings data. In this paper we explore motives of respondents for the failure to reveal earnings using the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). GSOEP collects socio-economic information of private households in the...
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A particular shortcoming of panel surveys is potential bias arising from selective attrition. Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) we analyze potential artifacts (level, structure, inequality of income) by comparing results from two independently drawn panel...
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This paper illustrates the effects of item-nonresponse in surveys on the results of multivariate statistical analysis when estimation of productivity is the task. To multiply impute the missing data a data augmentation algorithm based on a normal/Wishart model is applied. Data of the German IAB...
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In the 2008 Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) Pretest, the factorial survey method was tested for the first time for use in the SOEP longitudinal study. In this paper, we describe the construction and application of the vignette module, which has its origins in the field of justice research and...
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This paper analyzes the effect of severity of disability on labour force participation by using a self-reported work limitation scale. A dynamic labour force participation model is used to capture the feedback effect of past participation on current participation. The results suggest that net of...
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In empirical studies it often happens that some variables for some units are far away from the other observations in the sample. These extreme observations, or outliers, often have a large impact on the results of statistical analyses - conclusions based on a sample with and without these units...
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In terms of collecting comprehensive panel expenditure data, there are trade-offs to be made in terms of the demands imposed on respondents and the level of detail and spending coverage collected. Existing comprehensive spending data tends to be cross-sectional whilst panel studies include only...
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A problem statistical offices and research institutes are faced with by releasing micro-data is the preservation of confidentiality. Traditional methods to avoid disclosure often destroy the structure of data, i.e., information loss is potentially high. In this paper I discuss an alternative...
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