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Economic growth regarded as a mechanism to ensure a long-term balance through the optimal use of available resources, through the development of innovative potential, the creation and development of instruments generating economic growth and also an adequate distribution of income is influenced...
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We propose a new method to estimate a repeat-sales house price index. Our unbalanced panel method employs an OLS panel regression to estimate the (log) house price as a function of time fixed effects and house-specific fixed effects. Comparisons are made across three repeat-sales methods using...
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We study the extent to which house price dynamics differ across market segments and possible drivers of this heterogeneity. We construct a data set for individual houses and mortgages, based on a survey of about 500 Dutch households conducted over the period 2003-2016. We estimate a dynamic...
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Transaction-price residential (house) and commercial property price indexes (RPPIs and CPPIs) have inherent problems of sparse data on heterogeneous properties, more so CPPIs. In an attempt to control for heterogeneity, (repeat-sales and hedonic) panel data regression frameworks are typically...
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To what extent do house price dynamics differ across market segments? And what determines this heterogeneity? We address these questions by analysing a data set of individual houses and mortgages, based on a survey of about 2,000 Dutch households over the period 2003-2011. We estimate a dynamic...
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This paper presents a generalized moments (GM) approach to estimating an R-th order spatial regressive process in a panel data error component model. We derive moment conditions to estimate the parameters of the higher order spatial regressive process and the optimal weighting matrix required to...
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Recent research in international economics highlights the role of interdependencies of investment decisions and sales of multinational firms. Previous work focused on and provided evidence for aggregate flows or stocks of foreign direct investment, showing that interdependence declines in...
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This paper generalizes the approach to estimating a first-order spatial autoregressive model with spatial autoregressive disturbances (SARAR(1,1)) in a cross-section with heteroskedastic innovations by Kelejian and Prucha (2008) to the case of spatial autoregressive models with spatial...
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This paper develops an estimator for higher-order spatial autoregressive panel data error component models with spatial autoregressive disturbances, SARAR(R,S). We derive the moment conditions and optimal weighting matrix without distributional assumptions for a generalized moments (GM)...
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When job search takes place across labour markets, the standard flow approach to labour market analysis fails to uncover the effectiveness at which workers are matched to available jobs. A spatially augmented matching function is backed by a spatial search model with endogenous search intensity....
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