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In the year 2000, the German government passed the most ambitious tax reform in post-war German history aiming at a significant tax relief for households. One central aim of this tax reform was to improve work incentives and, thereby, foster employment. In this paper, I estimate an intertemporal...
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This paper examines the effect of different crimes on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into the 32 Mexican states. Using a state-quarter panel data for the period 2005 to 2015, we estimate alternative models of FDI, with fixed effects throughout a flexible lag-lengths methodology and...
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The growing economies and the increase in urbanization have increased the process of waste production. Recycling of the wastes resulting from economic processes through certain operations would both decrease the amount of wastes and the need for area to store them and minimize the demand for...
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Like the most developing countries, the Mediterranean countries have also given priority to the development of tourism industry as a part of their economic growth strategy. This study intends to investigate the relationship between tourism development and economic growth in eight Mediterranean...
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In view of the fact, social capital in some common definitions offered about it contains a number of social elements that facilitate actions of social actors and from this aspect they are able to improve society´s performance. To study this characteristic of social capital and explore its...
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This paper introduces a panel GMM framework for identifying and estimating demand elasticities via heteroscedasticity. While existing panel estimators address the simultaneity problem, the state-ofthe-art Feenstra/Soderbery (F/S) estimator suffers from inconsistency, inefficiency, and lacks a...
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This paper studies identification in a binary choice panel data model with choice probabilities depending on a lagged outcome, additional observed regressors and an unobserved unit-specific effect. It is shown that with two consecutive periods of data identification is not possible (in a...
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We study identification in a binary choice panel data model with a single predetermined binary covariate (i.e., a covariate sequentially exogenous conditional on lagged outcomes and covariates). The choice model is indexed by a scalar parameter θ, whereas the distribution of unit-specific...
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This paper investigates the impact of financial development on economic growth in the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) from 1990 through 2015 using a Heterogeneous Panel Data Approach. The study made use of Two (2) financial indicators: liquid liabilities of the financial system as a percent of...
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Critics protest loudly against restrictions imposed by politicians during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Mandatory masks, lockdowns, school and business closures. This paper examines (1) the extent to which these policies have indirectly contributed to limiting the number of COVID-19 cases...
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