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This paper takes a panel cointegration approach to the estimation of short- and long-run exchange rate pass … establish. Resorting to novel tests for panel cointegration, we find support for the equilibrium relationship hypothesis …
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This paper examines whether, in addition to standard unit root and cointegration tests, panel approaches also produce …
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This paper contributes to the GMM literature by introducing the idea of self-instrumenting target variables instead of …¤erent experimental designs and sample sizes, including in the case of experiments where the system GMM estimators are inconsistent. We …
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We propose a novel procedure, built within a Generalized Method of Moments framework, which exploits unpaired observations (singletons) to increase the efficiency of longitudinal fixed effect estimates. The approach allows increasing estimation efficiency, while properly tackling the bias due to...
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This paper proposes a new test of the null hypothesis that the parameters in a cointegrated panel data regression are equal across the cross-section. The asymptotic distribution of the new test statistic is derived and simulation results are provided to suggest that it performs very well in...
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-unit cointegration, without the need to specify the form of dependence or estimate nuisance parameters associated with the dependence … roots ; cointegration ; cross-sectional dependence …
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for the panel cointegration tests presented in Pedroni (1999, 2004), Westerlund (2005), Larsson et al. (2001), and … considered are T ϵ {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 500}. -- panel cointegration test ; correction factor …
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This paper presents results concerning the performance of both single equation and system panel cointegration tests and … unit circle, of I(2) components, of short-run cross-sectional correlation and of cross-unit cointegration on the … components are considered. -- cross-sectional dependence ; estimator ; panel cointegration ; simulation study ; test …
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-unit cointegration, without the need to specify the form of dependence or estimate nuisance parameters associated with the dependence …
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