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. Unbiasedness depends on the forecast horizon being analyzed, with longer-term four-quarter-ahead forecasts being biased. I …
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highly interrelated small open economies. These spatial interrelations must be considered also when the aim is to forecast …
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forecasts based on pooled and individual estimates and develop a novel forecast poolability test that can be used as a … stock returns, we show that no single forecasting approach dominates uniformly. However, forecast combination and shrinkage …
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model linking individual investment realisations to investment intentions. The model generates a one-year-ahead forecast of …
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Cross institutional forecast evaluations may be severely distorted by the fact that forecasts are made at different …
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effects helps substantially improve the forecast performance compared to the individual autoregressive models estimated for … even more pronounced at longer forecasting horizons (the forecast accuracy gain as measured by the root mean squared … forecast error is about 9% at 1-year horizon and exceeds 40% at 5-year horizon). Hence, we strongly recommend incorporating …
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In credit default prediction models, the need to deal with time-varying covariates often arises. For instance, in the context of corporate default prediction a typical approach is to estimate a hazard model by regressing the hazard rate on time-varying covariates like balance sheet or stock...
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side. In out-of-sample forecast exercises, the PVAR model fares comparatively well against common alternatives, although … short-horizon forecast errors tend to be large when we consider only the period of the recent financial crisis. The second …
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simulation-based posterior sampling algorithm specifically addressing the nonparametric density estimation of unobserved … parameters achieve posterior consistency, and that the density forecasts asymptotically converge to the oracle forecast, an …
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