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In this paper, we propose a general data-driven framework that unifies the valuation and risk measurement of financial …
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incorporate the liquidity risk into the standard risk measures. We consider a one-period risk measurement model. The liquidity …
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The forward-looking nature of option market data allows one to derive economically-based and model-free risk measures. This article proposes an extensive analysis of the performances of option-implied VaR and CVaR, and compare them with classical risk measures for the S&P500 Index. Delivering...
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This paper provides implied measures of higher-order dependencies between assets. These measures exploit only forward-looking information from the options market and can be used to construct an implied estimator of the full covariance, co-skewness, and co-kurtosis matrices of asset returns. In...
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This paper provides implied measures of higher-order dependencies between assets. The measures exploit only forward-looking information from the options market and can be used to construct an implied estimator of the covariance, co-skewness, and co-kurtosis matrices of asset returns. We...
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Revised standards for capital requirements for market risks in a bank's trading book have been issued as a result of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book. Under the new standards, default risk needs to be measured and capitalized through a dedicated Default Risk Charge (DRC). While...
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In this article we explore different hedging options for an XVA book: this topic is of practical interest given that accounting principles make it compulsory for financial institutions to account for CVA and DVA in their balance sheet, generating income volatility. Further, capital requirements...
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We study a concept of dynamic leverage which is a risk measure generalizing traditional value at risk type measures. This measure is suited for hedge funds and can be applied to quantify risk in a fund of hedge funds. Dynamic leverage depends on the level of fund volatility, time horizon and...
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In line with regulations and common risk management practice, the credit risk of a portfolio is managed via its potential future exposures (PFEs), expected exposures (EEs), and related measures, the expected positive exposure (EPE), effective expected exposure (EEE), and the effective expected...
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measurement horizon. The estimation of the ES for several trading desks and taking into account different liquidity horizons is …
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