Showing 1 - 10 of 344
GLOBAL FINANCE LIQUIDITY RISK REVISITED: Development of A Framework for Liquidity Assessment in Portfolio Construction Process: Presentations to the JP Morgan Global Head of Quant Research & Analytics and US Head of Portfolio Construction Teams:Presentations To: JP Morgan Global Head of Quant...
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GLOBAL FINANCE LIQUIDITY RISK REVISITED: JP Morgan Alternative Assets Portfolio Liquidity Assessment Framework & Models: $500 Billion Fund of Funds: 17 Asset ClassesPresentations atJP Morgan World HQ, 270 Park Ave, Manhattan, NY, USAToJP Morgan Global Head of Quant Research & Analytics, JP...
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The mean-variance portfolio optimization theory of Markowitz assumes that stock returns are distributed according to normal probability density functions (pdfs). In reality, stock returns are more accurately described by leptokurtic pdfs which have kurtosis greater than zero. Stocks with...
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We develop a new approach for evaluating performance across hedge funds. Our approach allows for performance comparisons between models that are misspecified – a common feature given the numerous factors that drive hedge fund returns. The empirical results show that the standard models used in...
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We survey the nascent literature on machine learning in the study of financial markets. We highlight the best examples of what this line of research has to offer and recommend promising directions for future research. This survey is designed for both financial economists interested in grasping...
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We survey the nascent literature on machine learning in the study of financial markets. We highlight the best examples of what this line of research has to offer and recommend promising directions for future research. This survey is designed for both financial economists interested in grasping...
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We propose a high dimensional minimum variance portfolio estimator under statistical factor models, and show that our estimated portfolio enjoys sharp risk consistency. Our approach relies on properly integrating l1 constraint on portfolio weights with an appropriate covariance matrix estimator....
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This paper studies the estimation of high-dimensional minimum variance portfolio (MVP) based on the high frequency returns which can exhibit heteroscedasticity and possibly be contaminated by microstructure noise. Under certain sparsity assumptions on the precision matrix, we propose estimators...
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We present a way to compute additive marginal contributions for the six capital measures forming the capital computation under the new Basel III market risk regime, commonly named “Fundamental Review of the Trading Book regime” (FRTB). Marginal contributions are most useful for the...
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The Mean-Variance (MV) portfolio by Markowitz (1952) and the Global Minimum Variance (GMV) portfolio represent standard rules for investment decisions and both rely on estimates of the inverse of the covariance matrix of stock returns. When working in a large-scale framework, where the...
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