Showing 1 - 10 of 1,060
We reconcile investor locations with legal domiciles for a large sample of mutual funds from different countries. In general, legal domiciles provide reasonable proxies for investor locations but with several concerns for funds domiciled in Europe. In our analysis, the fund hub of Luxembourg is...
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This paper investigates the effect of arbitral proceedings on bilateral portfolio equity investments in emerging markets. Investment disputes may deter foreign investors as they reveal a government’s poor behavior towards foreign investors. The analysis investigates the effects of the first...
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We analyze the effect of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) on bilateral foreign portfolio investment in equity and debt securities. We find that expropriation risk and the level of a BIT’s investor protection are complementary. Applying a Poisson Pseudo-Maximum-Likelihood model to a panel...
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When investors commit capital to a private equity fund, the money is not immediately invested but is called by the fund manager throughout an investment period of up to five years. This business model allows private equity fund managers to invest the committed capital at their own discretion,...
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When investors commit capital to a private equity fund, the money is not immediately invested but is called by the fund manager throughout an investment period of up to five years. This business model allows private equity fund managers to invest the committed capital at their own discretion,...
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This paper investigates the determinants of the investment activity of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) at a macro level, with special emphasis on the possible reaction to a financial crisis in a potential target economy. The analysis relies upon a specially built proprietary database, which...
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This paper examines the benefits of international diversification for US investors, while accounting for market development, corporate governance, market cap effects, and structural change across countries over period August 1996-July 2013. Improved risk adjusted returns are obtained from a...
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Il lavoro analizza le dinamiche di investimento dei fondi sovrani per paese e per settore nell'arco dell'ultimo ventennio. Il patrimonio gestito dai fondi sovrani è passato da 500 miliardi di dollari nel 1995 a 4,7 trilioni a fine 2011. Sulla base di un dataset specificamente creato, relativo a...
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This paper addresses the questions whether European mutual fund managers rely on sell-side analyst information with respect to their investment decisions and whether this behavior impacts fund performance. Based on a sample of over 4,300 European mutual funds and around 1.2 million portfolio...
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We investigate whether international operations enhance information links between firms and foreign investors. Exploiting novel subsidiary-level data and within-firm-location variations, we show that, after a firm expands into a new market, it attracts a larger increase in portfolio allocation...
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