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Social lotteries are lotteries that are played along with someone else. The experimental literature indicates that risk … explicitly draws attention to risk at the level of the pair and may thus moderate dislike for negatively correlated lotteries, as … those are less risky at the level of the group. We find that a significant minority of subjects keeps on disliking lotteries …
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Financial literacy and economic preferences are considered to be important drivers of health, income, and general well-being. In this paper we bridge the gap between studies on financial literacy and research on economic preferences by how they interplay with each other and the field behavior of...
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We study the heritability of risk, uncertainty, and time preferences using a field experiment with a large sample of … economic preference parameters directly without employing proxy measures. Our incentive-compatible experiment is the first twin …
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State of Israel and the West Bank as an exogenous shock to test changes in fundamental preferences. We find that the wall … patterns of time-varying discount rates and heterogeneity across socio-economic groups. We test alternative mechanisms linking …
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Do laboratory experiments provide a reliable basis for measuring field preferences? Economists recognize that preferences can differ across individuals, but only a few attempts have been made to elicit individual preferences for representative samples of a population in a particular geographical...
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To make predictions with theories, usually we assume an individual's characteristics such as uncertainty preferences to be stable over time. In this paper, we analyze the stability of ambiguity preferences experimentally. We repeatedly elicit ambiguity attitudes towards multiple 3-color Ellsberg...
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preferences. The field experiment proceeded in three stages: a decision stage, an execution stage and a payout stage. At the …
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Both economists and psychologists are interested in understanding decision making under uncertainty. Yet, they rely on different concepts to analyse human behaviour: Economists use economic preference parameters rooted in utility theory, while psychologists use personality traits to describe...
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We conduct a horse race of preferences to compare the predictive power and net effects of 15 types of preferences, such as attention, ambiguity aversion, loss aversion, probability overweighting, time preference, confidence, self-control, trust, and strategic reasoning, on actual investment...
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