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Increased sales due to promotions could be at the expense of competitors: such sales come from consumers with relatively weak brand preferences. However, increased sales from brand loyal consumers could well cannibalize sales of the promoted brand. An unintended consequence of promotions is that...
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This paper studies evolution of firms' behavior in a networked Bertrand oligopoly market, in which firms who are located on vertices of a network compete in price with their neighbors. This network model is also applied to a market with multi-dimensionally differentiated products. In a...
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In this paper, we investigate the profitability of horizontal mergers of firms with price adjustments. We take a differential game approach and both the open-loop as well as the closed-loop equlibria are considered. We show that the merger incentive is determined by how fast the price adapts to...
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We study the evolution of prices set by duopolists who are uncertain about the perceived degree of product differentiation. Customers sometimes view the products as close substitutes, sometimes as highly differentiated. As the informativeness of the quantities sold increases with the price...
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The article proposes an evolutionary game theoretical analysis of quality and price competition in oligopoly. Using the notion of a finite population evolutionarily stable strategy (FPESS) defined by Schaffer (1989), the relative payoff maximizing behavior is compared with the absolute payoff...
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In this paper I set forth an antitrust remedy for the oligopolistic pricing problem. Oligopoly pricing resembles a repeated prisoners' dilemma game. Each firm has an incentive to moderately lower its price and thus increase its sales at its competitors' expense. However, each firm knows that its...
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In this paper, we investigate the profitability of horizontal mergers of firms with price adjustments. We take a differential game approach and both the open-loop as well as the closed-loop equlibria are considered. We show that the merger incentive is determined by how fast the price adapts to...
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We introduce a model of oligopoly dynamic pricing where firms with limited capacity face a sales deadline. We establish conditions under which the equilibrium is unique and converges to a system of differential equations. Using unique and comprehensive pricing and bookings data for competing...
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Do firms under relative payoffs maximizing (RPM) behavior always choose a strategy profile that results in tougher competition compared to firms under absolute payoffs maximizing (APM) behavior? In this paper we will address this issue through a simple model of symmetric oligopoly where firms...
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