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-valorem’ electricity taxation dependent on exchange prices could make residential demand-side management profitable. At the same time, the …
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The parameterisation of energy and climate policies often depends on the technology, which is price-setting in electricity markets. We propose two simple approaches to determine marginal technologies in electricity wholesale from available data. Both approaches are complementary, computationally...
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In this paper, we revisit the empirical observation that prices rise like rockets when input costs increase but fall like feathers when input costs decrease. The analysis draws on a novel dataset that include daily retail prices of gasoline and diesel from virtually all fuel stations in Germany...
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demand- and supply situation to identify possible new price zone configurations. The algorithm is applied in a scenario …
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Part I of this two-part paper has presented flow-based market coupling (FBMC), the implicit congestion management method used to couple the CentralWestern European (CWE) electricity markets. It has also introduced a large-scale model framework for FBMC assessments, focusing on modeling the...
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The marginal cost of electricity fluctuates hour-by-hour, yet retail customers typically face flat prices. Using data from all seven US wholesale markets and a new method to evaluate alternative rates set in advance that accounts for equilibrium price effects, we estimate efficiency gains...
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Since the 1970s, high volumetric (per kilowatt-hour) electricity prices have been justified in many policy discussions as encouraging more efficient use of electricity and placing more of the cost burden on those who are less prudent in their use. The argument has been used in support of...
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The parameterisation of energy and climate policies often depends on the technology, which is price-setting in electricity markets. We propose two simple approaches to determine marginal technologies in electricity wholesale from available data. Both approaches are complementary, computationally...
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