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This paper draws on the experience of emerging Europe and argues that foreign capital is an enviable development opportunity with tail risks. Financial integration and foreign savings supported growth in the EU12 and EU candidate countries. We argue that this was possible because of EU...
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There has recently been increased research and policy interest in the divergent macroeconomic performance in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Understanding the underlying factors of macroeconomic differentials, the source and transmission of shocks and the adjustment process in...
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We assess Finland’s competitiveness in the light of various, mainly short-term indicators. It turns out that the weak export market performance over the last few years is linked to the deterioration of profitability of production in Finland. A better export and employment performance requires...
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The report focuses on the relative macroeconomic performance since the global financial crisis of six Northern European countries with a special emphasis on Finland. While fiscal and monetary policies have definitely impacted on macroeconomic outcomes in the six countries examined, as a whole...
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In the report we analyse the reasons for the weakness of Finland’s economic performance over the past decade and assess the growth prospects in the coming 5 years. The weakness of Finland’s performance relative to comparative EU-countries since 2009 can largely be explained by the collapse...
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Trotz der größten Wirtschaftskrise nach dem 2. Weltkrieg ist die Beschäftigung in Deutschland nicht gefallen. In anderen europäischen Ländern, die sogar weniger von der Wirtschaftskrise betroffen waren, ist die Beschäftigung stark gesunken. Dieses "Arbeitsmarktwunder" erklärt sich durch...
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Despite the biggest economic slump in Germany since the Second World War, employment did not decrease. In other European countries, which have even been hit less hard, employment started to decrease significantly. This 'employment miracle' is a result of the high internal flexibility of the...
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En dépit de la plus grave crise économique que le pays a connue depuis la seconde guerre mondiale, l'emploi n'a pas reculé en Allemagne. Au contraire : alors que l'emploi a fortement régressé dans de nombreux autres pays, il a légèrement progressé en Allemagne. Ce " miracle " s'explique...
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Den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt kennzeichnen seit vielen Jahren niedrige Lohnzuwächse bei teilweise sogar sinkenden Reallöhnen. Vor dem Hintergrund einer globalisierten Wirtschaft scheint dieser Prozess zur Wahrung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit unausweichlich. Beschränkt man die Analyse auf die...
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