Showing 1 - 10 of 953
Using a novel equity lending dataset, this paper is the first to show that expected returns strongly and negatively predict future equity lending fees. In comparing two expected return measures, I find that a rational expected return has stronger predictive power of future short selling activity...
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We show that fund-specific return skewness is associated with managerial skill and future hedge fund performance. Specifically, skewness in fund returns reflects managerial skill in avoiding large drawdowns. Using a new measure of investment skill that accounts for this managerial ability, we...
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We develop a measure of systemic stress for the Italian financial markets (FCI-IT) that aggregates information from five major segments of the whole financial system, i.e. the money market, the bond market, the equity market, the foreign exchange market and the market for stocks of financial...
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Fundamental stock analysts covering the insurance industry may be overly influenced by infrequent large scale catastrophes, such as unusually strong hurricanes. It is important for these analysts to be able to put catastrophes in financial perspective in order to set an appropriate fair value on...
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There is considerable evidence that machine learning algorithms have better predictive abilities than humans in various financial settings. But, the literature has not tested whether these algorithmic predictions are more rational than human predictions. We study the predictions of corporate...
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A general consensus in the literature is that financial analysts make optimistic forecasts. That is, they tend to underreact to negative but overreact to positive information. In this study, we invoke this idea to provide an explanation for the distress risk puzzle, the phenomenon that high...
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Prior research finds that sell-side analysts are generally willing partners with company management in facilitating the consistent meeting or beating of earnings expectations. We examine analysts who demonstrate the opposite behavior: issuing an unusually optimistic earnings forecast at the end...
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We critically review the state of the art in macro stress testing, assessing its strengths and weaknesses. We argue that, given current technology, macro stress tests are ill-suited as early warning devices, ie as tools for identifying vulnerabilities during seemingly tranquil times and for...
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We develop a discrete choice recursive model that classifies companies with and without dividend reinvestment plans with 72.0% accuracy. Misclassified companies are more likely to switch their plan status within the next five years, suggesting that financial statements foreshadow changes in plan...
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