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compare four models on a large panel of US quarterly data: factor models, factor models estimated on selected variables …
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from the curse of dimensionality. We apply the model to a panel of 90 daily realized volatilities pertaining to S&P100 from …
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actually observed data only. In contrast, we propose to estimate the dynamic factor conditional on a balanced panel with …
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This paper details the rationale and methodology behind the construction of the Persistent and Common Component of Inflation (PCCI), a measure of underlying inflation in the euro area. The PCCI reflects the view that underlying inflation captures widespread developments across the Harmonised...
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In this paper, we propose a method for jointly estimating indexes of economic and financial conditions by exploiting the intertemporal link between their cyclical behavior. This method combines a dynamic factor model for the joint modeling of economic and financial variables with mixed...
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Assessing the state of an economy is not an easy task and generally involves interpreting myriad and sometimes contradictory indicators. In 2007 the authors unveiled a dynamic common factor model, dubbed the D6 Factor, for the economy of the Sixth Federal Reserve District. This model combined...
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The multivariate analysis of a panel of economic and financial time series with mixed frequencies is a challenging … indicator from a small panel of mixed frequency economic time series. …
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-based bootstrap scheme. The procedures are applied to a panel with concentration ratio close to one. Backtesting and scoring results …
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We use Bayesian factor regression models to construct a financial conditions index (FCI) for the U.S. Within this context we develop Bayesian model averaging methods that allow the data to select which variables should be included in the FCI or not. We also examine the importance of different...
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In this paper we develop asymptotics for tests of equal predictive ability between nested models when factor-augmented regression models are used to forecast. We provide conditions under which the estimation of the factors does not affect the asymptotic distributions developed in Clark and...
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