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This paper estimates the costs of EU restraints on trade in textiles and clothing. After explaining the methods used, we examine the impact of an opening up of EU trade in textiles and clothing, inter alia to those economies where the textile and clothing (T&C) industries command sizeable shares...
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This paper examines the trade policy response of Latin American governments to the rapid growth of China and India in world markets. To explain higher protection in sectors where a large share is imported from these countries, we extend the protection for sale' model to allow for different...
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Contingent Protection has grown to become an important trade restricting device. In the European Union, protection instruments like antidumping are used extensively. This paper analyses whether macroeconomic pressures may contribute to explain the variations in the intensity of antidumping...
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As a result of the current global financial crisis, in 2009 the world economy is likely to experience the largest contraction since World War II and the unemployment rate to reach historical highs in many countries. The fact that the current global crisis is originated from the U.S. and followed...
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Biokraftstoffe werden weltweit in immer mehr Ländern von der Politik gezielt gefördert. Dies geschieht aus agrar-, energie- und klimapolitischen Gründen. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die derzeitigen und zukünftigen Märkte für Biokraftstoffe und die Förderprogramme in einzelnen Ländern....
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Many countries claim foreign cultural goods threaten their national identities and engage inprotectionism against foreign cultural goods with various policy interventions. We analyze theeconomics of domestic cultural content protection in terrestrial broadcasting, the mostwidespread policy...
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The latest resurgence in the U.S. of policies aimed at reducing imports and bolstering domestic production has included the expansion of Buy American provisions. While some of these are new and untested, in this paper we evaluate long-standing procurement limitations on the purchase of foreign...
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The question of the state and the evolution of protectionism often gets a simplified answer: The main view is that the GATT Rounds have been achieving a continuous reduction. This view is partly revised based on four propositions: (1) Protectionism is an integral part of the international...
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Based on the observation that industries are often geographically concentrated, this paper proposes a new political economy model of trade protection. We associate the sectors of a specific factors model with electoral districts populated by continua of heterogeneous voters who differ in their...
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We extend the protection for sale framework by modelling non tariff barriers. Explicitly introducing partial rent capturing leads to a testable specification that bridges the gap between the theoretical Grossman and Helpman (1994) model and its empirical implementation, where coverage ratios...
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