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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the information content of the variables that can help detecting external and internal imbalances in an early stage. The starting point is the Scoreboard, where nine indicators are chosen in order to increase macroeconomic surveillance of...
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This paper presents a two period overlapping generations model with endogenous growth in the presence of a public sector with objectives of convergence for public debt and primary balance to GDP ratios. In order to ensure the existence of converging paths towards the target values of fiscal...
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Research and development (R&D) is regarded as a core factor which decides the productivity of a firm in the analysis of modern industrial economics. But the R&D behavior and the consequent effect are observed to be different depending on the firm size and industry belonging. Despite the tendency...
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The past two decades have witnessed many episodes of economic reform across the developing world. Although initiated with popular enthusiasm, sustaining and completing these reform packages has turned out to be much more difficult, with policymakers having to `walk the line' between success and...
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Since the latter half of 1990s, it has been discussed that many developing countries are going to face serious population aging problem while these economies are still underdeveloped and not adequately prepared against aging yet in terms of institutional reform such as social security. As the...
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The Euro area recent evolution have seen the appearance of large interest rate spread in highly indebted countries. What are the determinants of these spreads beyond mere speculation? Panel regressions linking for Euro area Members the spread with respect to German rates to fiscal variables like...
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In the current context where the limited role for monetary policy instruments apparently endows fiscal policy with higher effectiveness, European fiscal policy authorities are rather constrained by the fact of most countries being struggling against recessions together with the need to put...
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Governments’ behavior is expected to be non-neutral in terms of impacts on both welfare and inequality. In spite of their multivariate form, a tentative assessment of such inequality impacts can be provided by using a general equilibrium heterogeneous-agents model where distribution is...
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