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In this paper, we consider three major types of nonparametric regression tests that are based on kernel and local polynomial smoothing techniques. Their asymptotic power comparisons are established systematically under the fixed and contiguous alternatives, and are also illustrated through...
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We investigate the problem of optimal choice of the smoothing parameter (bandwidth) for the regression discontinuity …, bandwidth choice rule. We illustrate the proposed bandwidth choice using data previously analyzed by Lee (2008), as well as in a …
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In this paper we present a detailed numerical comparison of three monotone nonparametric kernel regression estimates, which isotonize a nonparametric curve estimator. The first estimate is the classical smoothed isotone estimate of Brunk (1958). The second method has recently been proposed by...
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In this paper a new method for monotone estimation of a regression function is proposed. The estimator is obtained by the combination of a density and a regression estimate and is appealing to users of conventional smoothing methods as kernel estimators, local polynomials, series estimators or...
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We investigate the problem of optimal choice of the smoothing parameter (bandwidth) for the regression discontinuity … optimal bandwidth. This optimal bandwidth depends on unknown functionals of the distribution of the data and we propose … specific, consistent, estimators for these functionals to obtain a fully data-driven bandwidth choice that has the asymptotic …
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turning point. A plug-in method is used for data-based bandwidth choice. Since in practice the identification of turning …
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This note argues that nonparametric regression not only relaxes functional form assumptions vis-a-vis parametric regression, but that it also permits endogenous control variables. To control for selection bias or to make an exclusion restriction in instrumental variables regression valid,...
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In this paper, the regression discontinuity design (RDD) is generalized to account for differences in observed covariates X in a fully nonparametric way. It is shown that the treatment effect can be estimated at the rate for one-dimensional nonparametric regression irrespective of the dimension...
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The purpose of this paper is to propose a procedure for testing the equality of several regression curves fi in nonparametric regression models when the noise is inhomogeneous. This extends work of Dette and Neumeyer (2001) and it is shown that the new test is asymptotically uniformly more...
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In this paper we investigate several tests for the hypothesis of a parametric form of the error distribution in the common linear and nonparametric regression model, which are based on empirical processes of residuals. It is well known that tests in this context are not asymptotically...
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