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Social programmes for poverty alleviation involve eligibility rules and transfer rules that often proxy-means tests. We … propose to specify the estimator in connection with the poverty alleviation problem. Three distinct stages emerge from the …-values of living standards plugged into the poverty minimization programme to obtain the transfer amounts. We apply these …
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This paper develops methods for assessing the sensitivity of empirical conclusions regarding conditional distributions to departures from the missing at random (MAR) assumption. We index the degree of nonignorable selection governing the missing data process by the maximal Kolmogorov–Smirnov...
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We argue that in modelling cross-country growth models one should first identify so-called outlying observations. For the data set of Sala-i-Martin, we use the least median of squares (LMS) estimator to identify outliers. As LMS is not suited for inference, we then use reweighted least squares...
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This chapter reviews the empirical research on the relation between defense spending and economic growth. A broad flavor of the approaches adopted by different scholars is provided through a list of selected studies on the topic since 1973 and an outline of the variations over Benoit's original...
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A study that would otherwise be eligible is commonly excluded from a meta-analysis when the standard error of its treatment-effect estimator, or the estimate of the variance of the outcomes, is not reported and cannot be recovered from the available information. This is wasteful when the...
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Rural poverty is often discussed in combination with spatial inequality where rural poor face worse problems with … of rural poverty based on data from the Rural Household Panel Survey of Pakistan Round-1 (2012). The multilevel binary … logistic model is used to integrate concurrent individual and district-level variables to explore area-level effects on poverty …
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