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In this paper, we propose two classes of test statistics for detecting a break at an unknown date in panel data models with time trend. The first one is the fluctuation test of Ploberger-Kramer-Kontrus (1989). The second one is based on the mean and exponential Wald statistics of Andrew and...
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Panel data model with stationary and nonstationary regressors and error terms -- Panel time trend model with stationary and nonstationary error terms -- Estimation of change points in stationary and nonstationary regressors and error term -- Weak instruments in panel data models -- Incidental...
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In the first half of the paper we study spurious regressions in panel data when the cross-section and time-series dimensions are comparable. Asymptotic properties of the least-squares dummy variable (LSDV) estimator and other conventional statistics are examined. We show that the LSDV...
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This paper studies the asymptotic properties of standard panel data estimators in a simple panel regression model with error component disturbances. Both the regressor and the remainder disturbance term are assumed to be autoregressive and possibly non-stationary. Asymptotic distributions are...
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This paper establishes that regressors in the models with censored dependent variables need not be bounded for the standard asymptotic results to apply. Thus regressors which grow monotonically with the observation index may be acceptable. It also purports to provide an upper bound on the rate...
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In this paper, we study the asymptotic distributions for least-squares (OLS), fully modified (FM), and dynamic OLS (DOLS) estimators in cointegrated regression models in panel data. We show that the OLS, FM, and DOLS estimators are all asymptotically normally distributed. However, the asymptotic...
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This paper considers models with latent/discrete endogenous regressors and presents a simulation-based two-step (STS) estimator. The endogeneity is corrected by adopting a simulation-based control function approach. The first step consists of simulating of the residuals of the reduced-form...
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The main contribution of this paper is to add to the literature by suggesting a dynamic OLS (DOLS) estimator and providing a serious comparison of the finite sample properties of the OLS, fully modified OLS (FMOLS), and DOLS estimators in panel cointegrated regression models. Monte Carlo results...
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