Showing 1 - 10 of 166
State price density (SPD) contains important information concerning market expectations. In existing literature, a constrained estimator of the SPD is found by nonlinear least squares in a suitable Sobolev space...
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Using Gretl, I apply ARMA, Vector ARMA, VAR, state-space model with a Kalman filter, transfer-function and intervention models, unit root tests, cointegration test, volatility models (ARCH, GARCH, ARCH-M, GARCH-M, Taylor-Schwert GARCH, GJR, TARCH, NARCH, APARCH, EGARCH) to analyze quarterly time...
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State price density (SPD) contains important information concerning market expectations. In existing literature, a constrained estimator of the SPD is found by nonlinear least squares in a suitable Sobolev space. We improve the behavior of this estimator by implementing a covariance structure...
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I highlight the educational potential of ready-made regression tables created by newly available add-on packages for the R statistical programming language. In particular, I use the stargazer package to illustrate various properties of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression: the effect of...
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Uncertainty in regression can be efficiently and effectively communicated using the visual properties of statistical objects in a regression display. Altering the "visual weight" of lines and shapes to depict the quality of information represented clearly communicates statistical confidence,...
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Parameter shrinkage applied optimally can always reduce error and projection variances from those of maximum likelihood estimation. Many variables that actuaries use are on numerical scales, like age or year, which require parameters at each point. Rather than shrinking these towards zero,...
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Changes in communication technology have allowed for the expansion of data collection modes in survey research. The proliferation of the computer has allowed the creation of web and computer assisted auto-interview data collection modes. Virtual worlds are a new application of computer...
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There are many alternative approaches to selecting mortality models and forecasting mortality. The standard practice is to produce forecasts using a single model such as the Lee-Carter, the Cairns-Blake-Dowd, or the Age- Period-Cohort model, with model selection based on in-sample goodness of...
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A common problem in applied regression analysis is that covariate values may be missing for some observations but imputed values may be available. This situation generates a trade-off between bias and precision: the complete cases are often disarmingly few, but replacing the missing observations...
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In view of the failure of high profile companies like Circuit City and Linens n Things, Financial distress or bankruptcy prediction has generated much interest recently. This research develops and tests a model for the prediction of bankruptcy of retail firms. We use accounting variables such as...
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