Showing 1 - 10 of 242
Der Autoverkehr ist in vielen Städten zu einer hohen Belastung geworden: Lärm, überfüllte Innenstädte, Staus, Feinstaub- und Stickoxidemissionen sorgen für massive negative externe Effekte und haben eine heftige und kontroverse Diskussion um die Zukunft der Mobilität angeregt. Fahrverbote...
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In 2009, President Barak Obama allocated $8 billion in stimulus funding for high speed rail projects across the United States. One year later, in 2010, an additional $2.5 billion was distributed to corridors with High Speed Rail Projects. Even though the most recent congressional budget...
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In 2002, the Swiss Competition Commission (COMCO) introduced a Notice on the Competitive Treatment of Vertical Restraints in Automobile Trade (‘Car Notice'). The objective of the Car Notice has been to strengthen competition in the Swiss car market, in particular by avoiding price-fixing...
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Avenues for local government participation in UAV regulation reside in the land planning and zoning processes of cities and metropolitan areas (including via regional transportation planning). My essay explains how land use governance relates intimately to aerial regulation of commercial drones....
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The autonomous vehicle (AV) industry works very hard to createpublic trust in both AV technology and its developers. Building trust is part of a strategy to permit the industry itself to manage the testing and deployment of AV technology without regulatory interference. In this article, we...
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Almost every aspect of the life cycle of retail contract and lease transactions, from marketing and account originations to servicing and collections, has received heightened regulatory attention during the past year (2015), since our previous Survey. This Survey highlights the most significant...
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South Africa's electronic communications sector regulator, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), has a mixed track record in carrying out its mandate. ICASA is part of a regulatory system for the telecommunications sector, that may be characterised as dysfunctional...
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The prevailing historical accounts of the formation of the US aircraft “patent pool” in 1917 assume the US government necessarily intervened to alleviate a patent hold-up among private aircraft manufacturers. We show these accounts to be inconsistent with the historical facts. We show that...
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This article considers how electricity utility regulators should treat infrastructure investments related to electric vehicles. It begins by analyzing investments using traditional utility regulatory policy norms. Next, the article analyzes whether utility regulators should broaden their...
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