Showing 1 - 10 of 310
Una encuesta encargada por el FOMIN que abarcó a personas que reciben remesas con regularidad en Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá, y fue presentada en una rueda de prensa celebrada en el marco de la reunión anual de la Federación Latinoamericana de Bancos...
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The goal of this market research was to determine the feasibility of promoting the use of remittances as a means to purchase clean energy. The project was designed to test the attractiveness to immigrants in more developed countries (the United States) of linking their remittance flows to the...
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Analysis of the relationship between remittances and the local economies in Central America, with special attention to Nicaragua and Guatemala. It also provides some policy recommendations to leverage and mitigate the impact of remittances.
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This document is about foreign workers in Japan, the evolution of immigration policy in this country, working conditions and social security. In order to sustain the Japanese economy and its society, the United Nations, OECD, and the Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren) have suggested...
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Results and analysis of a poll in Brazil of remittance recipients
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