Showing 1 - 10 of 634
Choice experiments (CE) have become widespread as an approach to environmental valuation in both Australia and overseas. However, there are few valuation studies that have addressed natural resource management (NRM) changes in Tasmania. Furthermore, few studies have focussed on the estimation of...
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This is an updated version posted 12/12/12. In the previous version attribute labels in Table 5 were incorrect for tribs and jobs.
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In this research, we propose a framework to connect SWAT model with a dynamic discrete choice based land use model. With the recent years of cropland data layers published by NASS, USDA and data complied from other sources, we apply this framework to land use change in Upper-Mississippi River...
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This paper outlines the traditional uses of input-output (I/O) modeling in watershed programs planned under federal "Principles and Guidelines." Generally, the national economic development costs and benefits are analyzed, and the I/O model is used to track on regional economic development...
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Benefit transfer entails using estimates of non-market values derived at one site as approximations to benefits at other sites. The method finds favour because it can be applied quickly and cheaply, however the validity of benefit transfer is frequently questioned. Published studies generally...
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This study describes the development of bio economic models examining the economic and water quality impact of various proposed policy options in the Upper Waikato catchment. In the first phase nitrogen emissions are determined for representative farming systems using the Overseer nutrient...
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Includes cover page, journal info, contents page, and editorial information
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