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In recent years there has been a large increase in the empirical literature on price behavior. As new and detailed data … sets become available, we observe a number of important studies on the microeconomic fundamentals of price setting by firms … and supermarkets across Uruguay to analyze stylized facts about consumer price behavior. Our findings are as follows …
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We empirically study the price adjustment process at multiproduct retail stores. We use a unique store level data set … during the price change process. We also discuss various aspects of the microeconomic environment in which the price … adjustment decisions are made, factors affecting the price adjustment decisions, and firm-level implications of price adjustment …
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dispersion of price changes in eight retail chains in Mexico, and compare them with price statistics stemming from brick and …) change more frequently than those observed on websites (online). However, given a price change, online prices tend to exhibit … larger price changes than their offline counterparts. In 2020, period affected by the pandemic, the above relationship across …
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In this paper, we examine the role of inventory in the price-setting behavior of a distributive firm. Empirically, we … show that probability of price change has a positive relation to the scale of the retailer's storage and the frequency of … its bargain sales. We also show a negative relation between the frequency of bargain sales and the price elasticity of …
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find a statistically significant negative correlation between the frequency of price changes and the degree of market … prices. Decomposing the frequency of price changes into the frequency of intraday, sale, and regular price changes, we find … manufacturers has a significant and positive effect on the frequency of regular price changes, whereas intra-brand competition among …
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