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This article's authors use data from the 1995 and 2015 Current Population Surveys to provide multi-layered descriptive statistics on the retirement and socioeconomic characteristics of veterans aged 55 or older. The authors explore indicators of family structure, work, income from Social...
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We measure accruals in defined benefit (DB) pension plans for public and private sector workers in Britain, using typical differences in scheme rules and sector-specific lifetime age-earnings profiles by sex and educational group. We show not just that coverage by DB pension plans is greater in...
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The Danish labor market follows the trend in other countries of increasing labor force participation in the 60+ group. In Denmark, this increase has - until now - been most pronounced among 60-64-year-olds and among women. Increasing labor force participation is related to both a decline in the...
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For the purpose of studying the consequences of the ageing of the Swedish population a group of scientists have enlarged the microsimulation model SESIM - originally developed at the Swedish Ministry of Finance - with modules that simulate health status, take up of sickness benefits, retirement,...
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We estimate the impact of health and financial incentives on the retirement transitions of older workers in Spain. Individual measures of pension wealth, peak and accrual values are constructed using labor market histories and health shocks are derived as changes in a composite health stock...
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To our knowledge, this paper provides the first study evaluating the effects of higher education for adults on the timing of retirement. Using detailed longitudinal population register data 1982-2010, we track first-time enrollees in higher education in 1992-1993. Our sample is aged 42-55 at the...
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Vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden Lebenserwartung wurde im Jahr 2007 beschlossen, das Renteneintrittsalter in Deutschland stufenweise von 65 auf 67 Jahre anzuheben. Hauptziel dieser Reform war es, den Beitragssatz und die finanzielle Lage der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung zu stabilisieren....
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A problem that faces many countries including the United States is how to finance retirement consumption as the population ages. Proposals for switching to a saving-for-retirement system that does not rely on high payroll taxes have been challenged on the grounds that welfare would fall for some...
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This paper studies optimal insurance against private idiosyncratic shocks in a life-cycle model with intensive labor supply and endogenous retirement. In this environment, the optimal labor tax is hump-shaped in age: insurance benefits of taxation push for increasing-in-age taxes while rising...
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According to the 2018 Mercer Global Pension index, the pension systems of Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands are the best three in the world. This paper seeks to identify the common elements of success of these three pension systems, including the institutional framework within which they...
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