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error (MSE). In the simulation study we also calculate the mean value and the standard deviation of k. The average value is … criteria if several estimators of k have the same MSE, then the most stable estimator (with the lowest standard deviation …
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. The mean squared of error (MSE) is used as criterion to examine the performance of the proposed estimators when compared … smaller (MSE) than the ordinary least squared estimator (OLS) and Hoerl and Kennard (1970a) estimator (HK). …
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the presence of multicollinearity. After exhibiting the MSE of ridge estimator based on eigenvalues of design matrix, a …, increasing the correlation between the independent variables has positive effect on the MSE (signal-to-noise-ratio). However …> has negative effect on MSE. When the sample size increases the MSE decreases even when the correlation between the …
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The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new general Liu-type estimator which includes the ordinary least squares (OLS), ordinary ridge regression (ORR), Liu estimators and some estimators with two biasing parameters as special cases. Also, we investigate the superiority of the new Liu-type...
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Ridge regression is a well established method to shrink regression parameters towards zero, thereby securing existence of estimates. The present paper investigates several approaches to combining ridge regression with boosting techniques. In the direct approach the ridge estimator is used to fit...
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