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return series, and under the risk neutral measure from option prices. The difference between the two estimates motivates a so … with the size of the basket. Second, since the IC is implied from option prices it is not constant over maturities and …
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In this paper we consider the optimal stopping problem for general dynamic monetary utility functionals. Sufficient conditions for the Bellman principle and the existence of optimal stopping times are provided. Particular attention is payed to representations which allow for a numerical...
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We use non-Gaussian features in U.S. macroeconomic data to identify aggregate supply and demand shocks while imposing minimal economic assumptions. Recessions in the 1970s and 1980s were driven primarily by supply shocks, later recessions were driven primarily by demand shocks, and the Great...
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. Specifically, the model matches reasonably well key asset-pricing moments with risk aversion under 5. Model calibration shows that …
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We study the pricing of contracts in fixed income markets in the presence of volatility uncertainty. We consider an … arbitrage-free bond market under volatility uncertainty. The uncertainty about the volatility is modeled by a G-Brownian motion … obtain a sublinear pricing measure for additional contracts. Similar to the forward measure approach, we define a forward …
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We derive an option-pricing formula from recursive preference and estimate rare disaster probability. The new options-pricing …
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We develop a new approach to determine investors' risk compensations for all distributional moments of a security. Using the concept of entropy, a summary of all moments of a risky security, we derive the relationship between expected returns and their compensation for entropy risk. Entropy risk...
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returns. Risk adjustment is based on a nonparametric estimator of the state price density that does not use option prices and …
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Positive option-implied risk-neutral skewness (RNS) predicts next-month abnormal underlying stock returns driven by …
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This paper investigates international index return predictability using daily-updated option-implied information in …
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