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VaR forecasts. To this end, we evaluate the predictive performance of several GARCH-type models estimated via Bayesian and … indexes are predicted over about 13 years from the early 2000s. We find that Bayesian predictive densities improve the VaR … backtest at the 1% risk level for single models and for linear and log pools. We also find that the robust VaR backtest …
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This paper proposes a set of models which can be used to estimate the market risk for a portfolio of crypto-currencies, and simultaneously to estimate also their credit risk using the Zero Price Probability (ZPP) model by Fantazzini et al (2008), which is a methodology to compute the...
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This paper examines the relationship between oil price movements and systemic risk of many financial institutions in major petroleum-based economies. We estimate ΔCoVaR for those institutions and thereby observe the presence of elevated increases in the levels corresponding to the subprime and...
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conditional VaR (CoVaR) for the financial institutions and verify the interdependence between the systemic risk and oil, both on a …
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The aim of the presented study was to assess the quality of VaR forecasts in various states of the economic situation … movements. While in the pre-crisis period the results were satisfactory, in the period of crisis VaR forecasts were too often …
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financial risk. In our two year sample, the standard deviation, Value at Risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES) for Bitcoin were … the static ex-post risk performance measures such as Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, VaR ratio and the expected shortfall … standard deviation and VaR for Bitcoin could be higher in the first quarter of 2018 …
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credit risk. The specification effect can lead to Value-at-Risk (VaR) reductions in the range of 3 percent to 47 percent …
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This paper tackles a core question of portfolio management: How ‘active' is an active portfolio? To answer this question holistically, we generalise the idea of Active Share by keeping the same calculation methodology but substituting in different types of portfolio and benchmark ‘weights'....
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Professional market participants have to deal with illiquid securities on a constant basis. For such securities traditional risk assessment techniques fail. This can lead to underestimated and distorted results for the entire investment portfolio, and ultimately to inadequate risk management. We...
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