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Kong, Shenzhen) and Yong Li (University of International Business and Economics).Market liquidity evaporation is often … and stop to provide liquidity of such stocks. Our findings reveal the relationship between attention, panic and market … liquidity spirals …
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Except for relatively short but intense episodes of high market risk, average idiosyncratic risk (IR) falls steadily after 2000 until almost the end of our sample period in 2017. The decrease has been such that from 2012 to 2017 average IR was lower than any time since 1965. The secular decline...
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relation between IR and MR is highly stable through time and is robust across exchanges, firm size, liquidity, and market …-to-book groupings. Though stock liquidity affects the strength of the relation, the relation is strong for the most liquid stocks. The … relation has roots in fundamentals as higher market risk predicts greater idiosyncratic earnings volatility and as firm …
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relation between IR and MR is highly stable through time and is robust across exchanges, firm size, liquidity, and market …-to-book groupings. Though stock liquidity affects the strength of the relation, it is strong for the most liquid stocks. The relation … has roots in fundamentals. Higher market risk predicts greater idiosyncratic earnings volatility as well as dispersion and …
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We examine the puzzling negative relation between financial distress risk and the cross-section of expected returns. We find that the negative relation is most pronounced for up to six months after portfolio formation but after that, high distress stocks eventually earn persistently high...
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We find that equity option liquidity increases stock price crash risk. This effect is robust to different measures of … option liquidity and crash risk, alternative weighting schemes, option moneyness, and is not spurious due to endogeneity … issues. The option liquidity-stock crash risk causality is also a unique phenomenon, not a manifestation of higher crash risk …
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forecasting power for firms' risk-factor exposures, implied costs of capital, liquidity, and future investments. We also apply our …
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The shape of the VIX term structure conveys information about the price of variance risk rather than expected changes in the VIX, a rejection of the expectations hypothesis. A single principal component, Slope, summarizes nearly all this information, predicting the excess returns of S&P 500...
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relation between IR and MR is highly stable through time and is robust across exchanges, firm size, liquidity, and market …-to-book groupings. Though stock liquidity affects the strength of the relation, the relation is strong for the most liquid stocks. The … relation has roots in fundamentals as higher market risk predicts greater idiosyncratic earnings volatility and as firm …
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