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We propose a new medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) model with endogenous uncertainty in the casualty delivery times. The … endogenous source of uncertainty since it is contingent on the locations of MTFs. The MEDEVAC model is an MINLP problem whose …
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We introduce a representation theory for risk operations on locally compact groups in a partition of unity on a topological manifold for Markowitz-Tversky-Kahneman (MTK) reference points. We identify (1) risk torsion induced by the flip rate for risk averse and risk seeking behavior, and (2) a...
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impacts of different types of uncertainty and illustrate several cases in which the agent may respond to incentive contracts …
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The new issues market is used to examine the impact of ambiguity and ambiguity aversion on the pricing of financial assets. An IPO process is modeled assuming ambiguity regarding the returns on financial assets and risk and ambiguity aversion on the part of agents. Theoretically, the underwriter...
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This paper extends decision making under risk and uncertainty to group theory via representations of invariant …
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This paper considers investment problems in real options with non-homogeneous two-factor uncertainty. It shows that …
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We consider a standard one-agent decision-making problem under risk and we address the following question: under what conditions is utility maximization equivalent to 'risk' minimization, where the measure of risk used by the decision-maker is a conservative coherent risk measure?
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The socioeconomic impact of pollution naturally comes with uncertainty due to, e.g., current new technological … scenario will be realised and the scientific debate is still open. This paper captures those two layers of uncertainty by …
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Environmental managers face substantial uncertainty when deciding on management actions. To reduce this uncertainty … on the management cost, the assumed value of a good state and on the level of uncertainty regarding the ecological state …
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A formula is derived for the social cost of carbon (SCC) that takes account of intragenerational income inequality and its evolution with economic growth. The social discount rate (SDR) should be adjusted to account for intragenerational and intergenerational inequality aversion and for risk...
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