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. We find complex intra-group return and volatility connectedness among ASEAN-4 markets and moderate inter-group return and … volatility connectedness between ASEAN-4 and regional and global markets at different time horizons. …
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generates endogenous consumption volatility risk. Precautionary savings motives make consumption sensitive to shocks in bad … price and business cycle moments: equity, firm value, and risk-free rate volatility; the equity premium; excess return … predictability; consumption growth predictability; basic moments of consumption, output, and investment; and more. The model also …
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12 years of high-frequency data from U.S. and German sovereign bond markets. We detect realized volatility and realized …
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consumption and inflation dynamics. In particular, the means, volatilities, and the correlation structure between consumption …
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In this paper, we present effect of the liquidity on risky bonds pricing. The liquidity effect is represented by the adjustment to the single price format. We begin with bid-ask pricing format and it helps to observe effect of the liquidity on each step of pricing. In the first section, we...
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volatility as measured by the VIX. We propose a new estimator for the shape of the nonlinear forecasting relationship that …, revealing flight to safety: expected returns increase for stocks when volatility increases from moderate to high levels, while … risk is a nonlinear function of market volatility …
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We show that a business-cycle component of consumption growth (dubbed business-cycle consumption) with cycles between 2 … aggregation of returns and consumption growth over suitable horizons. Consistent with our formalization, we show that the factor … loadings associated with consumption growth aggregated over a 2-year horizon have similar pricing ability as those associated …
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run component of consumption growth process is proxied by a news based index that is created using a random forest … algorithm. This news index is shown to predict aggregate long term consumption growth with an R-square of 57% and is robust to … model that arises due to measurement error in consumption data and show that this bias term is non-zero. Using a three pass …
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finite channel capacity -- affects optimal consumption and investment decisions in an otherwise standard intertemporal model … of portfolio choice. We first explicitly derive optimal consumption and portfolio rules under RI and then show that …-run consumption risk. We also show that the investment horizon matters for portfolio allocation in the presence of RI, even if …
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I propose a consumption-based asset pricing model with disappointment aversion to investigate the link between downside … consumption risk and expected returns across asset markets. I find that the disappointment model can explain 95% of the cross … considerably improves the fit of consumption-based asset pricing models …
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