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This study investigates the effect of corporate hedging on stock price crash risk. We test two competing hypotheses …. Under the transparency hypothesis, hedging reduces a firm's information asymmetry and lowers crash risk. Under the opacity … hypothesis, hedging decreases financial reporting quality and increases crash risk. Using a comprehensive sample of firms from …
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This research focuses on the ultimate impact of hedging effectiveness on firm performance. Successful risk management … quarterly earnings per share). We empirically estimate the hedging profile of 5,586 non-financial firms (spanning 25 industries … and other firm characteristics – identifies the impact of the firm's hedging profile on firm performance. We find a strong …
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Uncertainty in banking regulation may impose widespread economic costs by increasing fi nancialconstraints on credit availability. Four years of Dodd Frank uncertainty over undecided riskweightings increased regulatory uncertainty for smaller banks, restricting "vanilla" interest ratehedging...
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In this paper, using newly available CDS positions data compiled from DTCC and the supply chain hierarchical position obtained from networking methodology, we examine whether and how investors can use CDS contracts to manage the heightened operational risk due to upstream supply chain...
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We provide evidence that CEO equity incentives, especially stock options, influence stock liquidity risk via information disclosure quality. We document a negative association between CEO options and the quality of future managerial disclosure policy. Contributing to the literature on CEO...
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-linked securities. It considers the trade-offs an insurer or reinsurer faces in selecting a hedging strategy. We compare index and … indemnity-based hedging as alternative design choices and ask which is capable of creating the greater value for shareholders … problem yields a conflict of interest between shareholders and other stakeholders. Given the fact that hedging may improve the …
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We propose a maximum-expected utility hedging model with futures where cash and futures returns follow a bivariate skew … normality, skewness has a material impact when the agent is significantly risk averse. Pure hedging demand is either greater or … pure hedging and minimum-variance demand increases with basis risk, i.e. the imperfect correlation between cash and futures …
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market factors, its volatility and the quality of hedging. The wrong way risk is most significant for exposures highly … CVA hedging strategy. While the benefits from hedging are always magnified in the situation of the wrong way risk, the …
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effect and (de)leverage effect of Bitcoin inverse futures, and obtain optimal hedging strategies in closed forms for both … empirical studies. Our findings show that the optimal hedging strategies of Bitcoin inverse futures achieve superior hedging …
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Italian Abstract: Questo lavoro si propone il compito di illustrare le alcune problematiche riguardo alle misure di rischio e di performance specifiche degli Hedge Funds, di fornire alcuni elementi analitici per una risposta adeguata alle questioni esposte ed infine di dare alcuni spunti di...
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